As of May 25 2018, all businesses active in Europe have to comply with GDPR – the General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR was created to unify the personal data protection rules across the EU, and must be followed by all companies, businesses or other entities that collect personal data in some way. The GDPR will introduce many additional rules that will affect many areas of the data management process, such as the collection and storage of data processing documentation, monitoring of potential personal data breaches, and involving a supervisory authority in matters such as, for example, the aforementioned data breaches. The GDPR’s main purpose is to enhance the protections that EU citizens have when their data is used and collected, and afford them new rights such as the right to transfer their personal data, or to be forgotten; that is, to have their personal data removed from a system when the law no longer requires its retention. Ennesoft does not save and never requires user data. Ennesoft is therefore compliant with the new GDRP regulation.
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